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Buceo en el arrecife


The Rescue Diver course is one more step in the recreational diving ladder, in this step we are going to delve into the aspect of providing help if needed. It is not very common to have a diving accident since this activity is very safe, but the Rescue Diver diving course, not only serves for underwater events, it also allows you to respond in any emergency that may occur on land, where the knowledge that You will learn it will allow you to react immediately and in a timely manner.


This minimum course must have your Advance Open Water Diver certification on which the foundations of this continuing education are based.


Additionally, you must prepare yourself to learn more about the human body and the different variables that affect us, such as pressure, temperature, and physical problems that are conditioning factors that can present discomfort to our body and its performance in diving activity.


To take this course you must have a minimum of 4 days to do the theory and practice of the syllabi of this diving course endorsed by PADI.


If you have any condition  Registered doctor, check here if you are suitable to dive with us.


Requirements  Minima

Advance Open Water Course

Fly after  of 18  Hrs of diving.

Be in good shape  physical

Book your Rescue Diver Diving Course Now!

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